
The GAME is UP. Or is it?

The GAMEs are over! At least The Games of the XXXIII (33rd) Olympiad are over. But your GAME never ends. The race to the finish for the year is now on and in full swing. You likely closed the books on the first 7 months of the year and you now have choices for the remainder of the race. . . . The choice is yours. What is your GAME plan?

The GAME is UP. Or is it? Read More »

7 Reasons to Participate in a Peer Advisory Team

PAT yourself on your back if you are already working with a peer group in your industry. As business owners and leaders you constantly face a never ending and ever changing set of Challenges, Opportunities, Problems and Ideas (COPIs). Having a strong support network, a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) of similar leaders, can make a significant difference in your success.

7 Reasons to Participate in a Peer Advisory Team Read More »