You may know the song “Let’s Do It” by Cole Porter and sung by Ella Fitzgerald. I live in the Portland Metro area, which might be defined by Nike and its slogan, “Just Do It.” Why do IT? How do you do IT? What’s IT? I’m not talking love. I’m talking teamwork. Today’s Wall Street Journal had an interesting article on the upcoming Iditarod contest that has some lessons for Business Accelerants Teams.
Everyone needs a purpose in life. For many of us, competition and the drive to work hard to win is important to our psyche. Competition drives us to be better at whatever we strive to do and to attain in life and in business.
Put together a high performing team that works together, collaborates, and is better than any single dog or person. The team has a visionary, the person at the back of the sled that had the idea to enter the race and prove they are the best. They put together and trained a team. They chose lead dogs for the front of the pack that are smart and can adapt to the changing landscape. They chose dogs in the middle that keep the group running together, holding the PaCk [sic] together. They chose strong dogs for the area closest to the sled that take the brunt of the weight. They filled the sled with needed supplies. They did everything imaginable to prepare the team for the grueling 1049 mile trek.
In this case, you might say it is the Iditarod Trek. In your business, it’s what you want it to be. It’s a combination of your mission as a business, your vision for the future, the culture you create, the feeling you get from working together with your team and the pride in your accomplishments. Even if you are not first, just the persistence to finish the race can be reward enough.
PaCk for CEOs [Peer Advisory Council Kindred]
Just as it takes a team to finish and win the Iditarod race, it takes a team in business to achieve your ambitions. There are actually two or more teams to consider. 1. There is your internal team of senior leadership members. 2. There is your fiduciary board and your board of advisors. 3. You have a team of outside resources for taxes, legal, insurance, and more. 4. You need a team of kindred souls that are where you are, been where you are, and going to be where you are. You need a Peer Advisory Council Kindred team that can help you overcome the past, deal with the present, and get you to the next level.
Join me Thursday morning at 7AM Pacific for a live, free, interactive workshop on Peer Advisory Council Kindred using the successful LXCouncil approach. Consider becoming a part of a Business Accelerants Team or PaCK. Bring a friend.