The Super Bowl has come and gone. Super Bowl Monday is past. So we had a good time. We ate. We drank. We celebrated. We commiserated. What can we learn from it all for our business and career? Here are a few take aways from my perspective.
- Take time outs at critical points to reassess and make changes
- Make handoffs clean
- Don’t fumble
- Competitors may block your way
- Play by the rules
- It takes many coaches to be successful
- Have a written plan you can hold in your hands
- Everyone is watching and listening
- Know what to do under various circumstances
- Be ready to move quickly
- Be agile and look for unexpected openings
- Huddle with your people regularly
- Provide sustenance for bodies and minds
- Communicate with all the tools available
- Watch the competition
- Keep score
- Have special teams
- Encourage people
- Celebrate success
- Work with others by passing the ball
- Hail Mary passes sometimes work
- We can be setback in our path
- Take time to entertain, such as the half-time performance