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Kenneth Calhoun

— Cynthia Lynn, President, Peralynna Inn

“This provides me with a structured discipline to the stage and reach my goals. The camaraderie of my fellow board members, although concentrated in a four-hour period, is caring, genuine, honest, and loyal. My investment has already provided me the best business return in 20 years.”

— Sherry Jackson, Owner—Glen Cove Marina

“One of the greatest values received is having 10 people with different levels of expertise, different scopes of businesses – completely different than mine – learning how they apply their thought processes to problems. [It] is invaluable to me.”

— Robin Sterneck, President – Sterneck Capital Management

“I was looking for a candid sounding board on various topics since I was now flying without a net.”

— Frank Rebori, President, Smith & Loveless

“I gain tremendous insight and perspective from other managers/owners in similar positions of companies like myself.”

— Melanie Hennigan, Principal, Grimm + Parker

“…It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day demands of the business, but the monthly meetings and coaching help keep my focus on the big picture. Our participation has proven to be a wise business decision.”

— Larry Jackson, Good To Go Markets

“This has become a valuable resource for many of my business decisions. It has saved me thousands of dollars in just my first year of membership.”

— Jim Combs, President/CEO – National Advisors Trust

“As a source of objective advice, a professional sounding board, and a forum to brainstorm creative and innovative solutions to complex business problems.”

— John Block, Bank President, First National Bank

“I am personally involved in this peer-to-peer group because it gives me ideas that I otherwise might not consider and time to think proactively. It’s been invaluable to me as a CEO of the bank to have a confidential environment to participate in critical thinking in a group setting solving common problems or issues.”

— Marshall Weston Jr., President & CEO, Restaurant Association of Maryland

“I wanted to take a moment and thank you for the opportunity to participate in LXCouncil. At first, I was concerned about the time commitment but soon realized that the meetings forced me to be more focused on the big picture, rather than be bogged down in day-to-day operations. Ultimately, LX was instrumental in helping me evaluate how I was doing business, spending my time, and prioritizing what was most important. I have a renewed energy and better strategic approach for the future because of my time at LXCouncil.”

— Jason Doyle, President, Alliance Energy Services

Membership in LXCouncil has been very rewarding to me in both my personal and professional life. Working with peers has allowed me to look at my problems and opportunities in a unique way that was much different than talking with my normal peers – at work or at home. Giving and getting advice from a group of peers gave unique perspectives that helped me tremendously and allowed me to look at things in a different light. I also have felt more confident and assertive in my decisions since joining the council based on the advice I received in these groups from successful business owners and leaders. The LXCouncil meeting facilitator did an excellent job keeping us on task and brought something valuable and unique to each monthly meeting. I will recommend peer advisory groups and LXCouncil to others based on my positive experience.

— Paul Thomas, President, AC Manufacturing

 “The commitment in my mind is what is it worth for you to step back and think about your business, how effective are you being, and where is your company going. If you don’t do that occasionally, I don’t think you can do a good job leading or  growing your company.” 

— Mark Boyer, President – Tippins

“A mechanism to get solid and timely feedback; someone to speak with at my level, and someone to smack me around and give  me meaningful feedback.” 

— Matt Ash, AL-Tech

In my first three months, my board saved me $75K. LXC peer advisory groups are a great investment for any business owner.